Health and Wellness Blogger

About Bec

My Story
‘You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect the dots looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something. Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing the dots will connect you down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will make all the difference. – Steve Jobs
Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Bec, and I’m an absolute advocate on holistic health and wellness.
My love and journey of holistic health, nutrition and overall wellness starts from around the age of seventeen following a car accident that I didn't recover from very quickly. Although the car accident wasn't severe I still took a good knock to the head. As a result my health began to deteriorate over the next seven years with an under reactive immune system that couldn't absorb an adequate amount of necessary vitamins and minerals, low energy, adrenal fatigue, re-occurring illnesses, gut issues and hormonal imbalances. For a long time my point of call was a conventional doctor. Now, don’t get me wrong doctors are wonderful and do some amazing things for people.They save lives!
However, after being treated over and over again with conventional therapies, antibiotics, strong painkillers among many other medications, I wasn’t getting any better. I was getting worse. Regular admissions to the hospital became normality. After getting no answers over the coming years it pushed me to look into alternative practitioners like naturopaths and nutritionists who assessed me as a whole person and looked to find a cause rather than symptomatically treating my health issues through conventional medication that in turn put more load on my liver, caused more gut issues and was damaging long term to my overall health and wellbeing.
​Having had my own health struggles I honestly believe it lead me on the path of what I am supposed to be doing so I can only feel an immense amount of gratitude having found my absolute passion and motivation. My purpose is bigger than me and that’s what motivates me to continue.
I have fallen in love with the health industry and understand the importance nutrition plays on our overall health and wellbeing. I have now made the leap to study within the health, wellness and nutrition industry and I hope to be a part of a health movement from educating people that your body is your most insightful barometer, offering you feedback about your choices.
I strongly believe health and wellness is holistic and should not be focused on just one thing and that what we eat, how we move how we sleep and how we think all contribute to affecting our health in both negative and positive ways. After all, we don’t just consume nutrients through food by way of our mouths but we consume nutrients through our eyes, ears and our own thoughts.
I’m confident by helping people by way of holistic nutrition and the importance around making more conscious and nourishing decisions about their eating will create a ripple effect on their happiness and over health and wellbeing. I believe in the need of assessing the whole person, taking into account the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual spectrum along with standard lifestyle factors, eating and exercise habits and I don't believe that one specific size fits all.
I believe in adopting the attitude of avoiding a quick fix and focusing on long-term lifestyle changes to support optimal health and wellness.
Thanks for stopping by.
Yours in health and wellness,
Bec xx