Smoothie Bowl Monday with Housebaked Granola
How many of us have been drinking smoothies for years? I can safely raise my hand and say 'I HAVE!' - However, some genius person decided to put a smoothie in a bowl, make epic nutritious toppings and eat it with a spoon - what a delicious creation that soon became a massive rage within the health gurus of the world. So why eat a smoothie bowl with a spoon rather than drink a smoothie from a glass? My take on it is because it's more fun, creative and allows you to be present and mindful in your "eating time" rather than smashing back a drink in one minute flat. Chewing or masticating if you prefer a fancier word also provides you with feeling more satisfied and gives your body time to engage that you are fueling it with food! I don't know whether the smoothie bowl trend anticipated to provide better digestion and meal satisfaction however it looks like subsequently it has worked out that way! The difference between straight out swallowing food and chewing food is that when you drink a smoothie you miss out on the first part of the digestive stage. The more opportunity we give to chewing our food the more nutrients we absorb. Pretty cool huh?
The great thing about smoothie bowls is the combinations are only limited by your imagination. A smoothie bowl is like going on a creative adventure where you can make your morning breakfast exciting, appetizing, ultra-delicious and also provide yourself with a time to load up on nutrients! And, hey! If not your morning breakfast then an afternoon snack - that's the brilliance of smoothie bowls they are so incredibly versatile and that’s why I love them!
This smoothie bowl is a random mix of ingredients that might leave you wondering. It left me wondering as I was throwing it together. However, I can only assure you it was delicious! I'm a big fan of adding vegetables to any type of dishes that will work because we could all do with more plants! Have a go at this and let me know what you think.

As always use organic ingredients where possible. WHAT YOU WILL NEED:
1/2 Cup of frozen raspberries 1 baby beetroot 1/2 frozen banana Handful of Kale 3/4 Cup of Coconut Milk 1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Coconut Water
WHAT TO DO Whiz all the ingrediants together and serve with your favourite toppings! I have served mine with buckwheat groats, chia seeds, blueberries, house made granola and topped it with a sprig of fresh mint from the garden. De-lish!
Enjoy! xx