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Kale and Chilli Pesto

Kale is such an easy vegetable to grow and I had an overkill of it in the garden to use up so I thought I’d make it into a delicious pesto. Although, some of you reading this might be hesitant to try, I’m confident that you will like it; maybe just as much as your standard basil pesto! This recipe is super easy, super quick and super nutritious. It’s a delicious afternoon snack you could have with carrot and celery sticks or crackers. Now for a little background about our superfood ‘Kale’ – Does everyone remember when Kale just got crazy popular and every Tom, Dick and Harry were incorporating it into their diets as much as possible? Well, it is no lie! Kale is ultra-good for you. One thing to note is that Kale is high in vitamin K which is a fat soluble vitamin… meaning its best absorbed with fat in this case olive oil! Hoorah! We are getting more bang for our buck. As always I encourage the use of organic ingredients to avoid any of those nasty pesticides – you don’t want to be loading your liver up on that. If you recreate this feel free to tag me on the gram for_guts_sake I love seeing recreations of food and knowing whether you liked them.


Handful of Kale – washed and patted dry 1-3 Cloves of garlic (depending how much garlic you like.) ½ Cup of activated cashews ½ Fresh Chilli 2 teaspoons of paprika ½ Cup of organic extra virgin olive oil (possibly a splash more) ¼ Cup of Water


Chuck everything into your food processor and blend altogether. Easy as that. Serve this with some fresh chilli on top and possibly extra olive oil if required. This recipe works well if you want to add broccoli for an extra greenery hit. Enjoy beautiful humans! xx

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