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Raw Brownie Snickers Cheesecake

In honour of it being Sunday the 13th of August today I decided to whip up a chocolate concoction in the form of a raw mini cheesecake. Okay, Sunday the 13th of August has absolutely nothing to do with it at all. It’s more to do with my chocolate problems…Seriously guys, every single time I walk into the supermarket I want all the treats. ALL OF THEM. Squiggle tops, double chocolate farm-bake biscuits, caramel chocolate tim tams – practically anything that consists of some form of chocolate. Oh, and those yummy creamy filled lindt chocolates that come in those cute little colourful wrappers that mum gets you for Christmas! You know the ones!

However, as I can’t recall feeling this strongly about treats in my life, I know it’s all related to my pregnancy and not having an adequate amount of nutrients in my body as bubby really ramps up the growing. She is going to be here so soon! I even felt like coca cola today… I don’t think I have even had coca cola in well over ten years. I mean, I don’t even like it. Things are getting blimmin’ hectic. Everywhere I went today people were drinking coke… either that or I was losing my mind. So what did I do? Drove home from the supermarket like a manic person in despair (with my avocado, which is why I actually went to the supermarket) to get cookin'. Keeping it as nutritious as possible and including ingredients like organic dates, cacao, cold pressed coconut oil and various nuts which have good amounts of magnesium, zinc, B Vits and Vit C, protein, dietary fibre and good quality fats. Final result of the cheesecake making…. It tasted flippin’ delicious!

It was really difficult to come up with a name for this cheesecake because it’s kind of a split between snickers and a chocolate brownie in the form of a raw vegan cheesecake… So yes, I was left very satisfied! To the point of just tasting the mixture as I made it, in order to make sure I had the right portions that I didn’t actually feel like eating any later… Whaaattt! So I really wanted to share what I did with you guys!

RECIPE: (As always I encourage the use of organic ingredients where possible)


Base Layer ½ Cup of organic raw peanuts ¼ Cup of organic cold pressed coconut oil 4 medjool dates 1 TBSP of pure maple 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract ¼ Cup of organic Cacao Pinch of Himalayan salt

Filling Layer 1 Cup of organic cashews that have been activated overnight (Yes, okay, okay I didn’t activate mine because I was a desperate crazy lady and used boiling water to soften them. However, activating them overnight helps aid your digestion and achieve that creamy texture…) 1 tsp of vanilla extract ¼ cup of cold pressed organic coconut oil ¼ cup of organic coconut milk 3 TBSPs of pure maple 3 TBSPs of organic cacao


2 TBSPs of Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 TBSP of Pure Maple (You could actually halve this measurement) 1 TBSP + ½ of Cacao WHAT TO DO:

1. For the base layer it’s as simple as getting out your blender, food processor or for the lucky ones out there your vita-mix and whipping it all through until it’s nicely blended. It should be quite a dense, chewy, delicious consistency.

2. Grab out your mini cheesecake tin and make sure you place baking paper in the bottom of it or it will stick which has been a rooky mistake of mine in previous times. Place it in the freezer while you make the second layer.

3. For the second layer it’s as easy as chucking all the ingredients into your food processor apart from the coconut oil and whipping it through. Turn your food processor onto low while you add your coconut oil. Make sure you don’t over blend or allow the mixture to heat as the fat can separate and that is a recipe for disaster. This layer should be a very smooth creamy consistency.

4. Add this layer on top of your base and pop back in the freezer while you make the delicious chocolate topping.

5. You will need your stove top for this one. In a small sauce pan melt the coconut oil and remove from the heat. Allow this to become room temperature before continuing. Once the coconut oil has become room temperature add the rest of the ingredients and stir through. Add your chocolate topping to the mini cheesecake. It should begin setting quickly as the mini cheesecake has been kept in the freezer.

6. Return to the freezer for 2-4 hours. The reason I suggest this is because you want that second base layer to be set before serving.

Even though this cheesecake is in the form of a “mini” you get an easy four servings out of it. It is quite decadent so a small amount goes along way – this coming from the girl that could demolish an entire supermarket isle worth of chocolate!


Yours in chocolate goodness, Bec x

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